Elimina el moho y las bacteria
La proliferation de moho y bacteria es un problema en las instalaciones de muchas empresas, y eliminar el moho suele ser una tarea muy complicato.
Tenemos excellentes resultados en el tratamiento de la proliferation de moho. We treat the areas with a coating that eliminates both mold and bacteria during a period of 10 to 16 months, depending on the environment. The treatment is applied with an electrostatic gun. Tras el tratamiento, la surface es capaz de eliminar bacteria, virus y moho: el tratamiento funciona constantamente, lo que significa que el recuento total de gérmenes se mantiente constantamente muy bajo o se elimina por completo.

Soluciones hygienicas PureTech
A hygienic solution that is more effective and respectful of the environment
With a total solution from PureTech, we guarantee the best results with our cleaning products that respect the environment.
The Ørbæk brewery went from walls full of mold to clean and beautiful production facilities, using a more environmentally friendly method.
(Ver imagen del resultante antes y 9 meses después del recubrimiento con TiOMOULD)

Durable and effective for up to one year
Durable and effective for up to one year

Effective in hard-to-reach areas
As well as surfaces that are difficult to clean. For example ventilation system and elevator shaft
Reduction of mould
Prevention of mold build-up
The fight against bacteria, viruses and mold begins here
The path to a cleaner everyday life
Soluciones de limpieza ideales para zonas sensitives desde el point de vista hygienico en clínicas, centros sanitarios, residences de ancianos, escuelas, guarderías, hotels, restaurants, cocinas comerciales, industria alimentaria, transporte y espacios públicos.

Measurement before coating
Measuring the general level of hygiene using microbiological tests.

Our authorized personnel carry out the application of TiTANO using an electrospray process – on all kinds of surfaces (Glass, wood, stone, plastic, steel).

Subsequent use of products for cleaning
Our technology can subsequently be supported by the cleaning product series bee*pure®.

Follow-up of documented effect
Our efforts are based on extensive scientific research and tests. We therefore offer subsequent evidence of documented effect.
Efecto al recubrir con TiTANO o TiOMOULD

TiTANO® and TiOMOULD® permanently reduce the level of unwanted microbiology (bacteria, viruses and mold) and, therefore, reduce the risk of propagation/transmission of diseases.
Antes y después del recubrimiento con TiOMOULD contra el moho
Pasa de unas instalaciones llenas de moho a unas instalaciones de producción limpias y bonitas
PureTech utilizes a combination of approaches, methods and practices whose objective is to promote greater hygiene, sustainability and innovation. Our solutions are always personalized for the client and together with him.

Constant reduction of unwanted bacteria
Duradero y eficaz hasta un año

Clima interior más saludable
Los productos se basan en agentes de limpieza biodegradable para mejorar el entorno de trabajo